Wiskunde Op Maat ontwikkelt open source leermateriaal wiskunde in LaTeX voor het secundair onderwijs. Onze cursussen en alle broncode is beschikbaar via Github.
Het leermateriaal is ook beschikbaar als interactieve webpagina met behulp van Ximera.
Voorlopig is er leermateriaal complexe getallen (work in progress)
Contact: Zulip en kwinten@wiskunde.opmaat.org
Our learning technologies are only as strong as the communities of educators who guide their use.
Justin Reich
We have the illusion that the world functions thanks to programmed design, university research, and bureaucratic funding, but there is compelling —very compelling—evidence to show that this is an illusion, the illusion I call ‘lecturing birds how to fly’. Technology is the result of antifragility, exploited by risk-takers in the form of tinkering and trial and error, with nerd-driven design confined to the backstage.
Nassim Nicolas Taleb